Artwork Check List:

  1. Artwork need PDF format ONLY
  2. PDF Name as: Foamboard+thickness + Size +Qty +Your Company Name+ Note   ( Example: Foamboard 10mm 1200x2400mm Qtyx3 Signmania Job234. PDF) 
  3. PDF size MUST be 1200x2400mm ( in mm no cm or M)
  4. All Text need oulined , Pictures need enbed, with 200dpi resolution (low resolution or low quality image will blurry)
  5. Colour in CMYK not RGB.
  6.  Cutting line need Vector path, stroke 1pt in 100% Magenta(or spot colour)
  7. Cutting path need optimized, Smooth cutting line get good result.
  8. Artwork need have 3mm bleed around cutting path (no bleeding will have white border)
Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.
foamboard1.2x2.4M Page
